P1: Cats and Dogs 

Creative Brief

Project Description: 

To create a finished series of 8 cat and dog images (four images of each) that will be used as advertisement for the Cats and Dogs veterinarian practice.

Client (Sender):

The Cats and Dogs veterinarian practice


That people should bring their cats and dogs to this vet because he will develop an earnest and lasting relationship with the pet and the pet's owner. This implies excellent care for the animals as well as an environment where the animals will be comfortable and happy.


Potential clients (the animals and their owners) as well as former patients and their owners.


To show that there's a positive correlation between happy, healthy, and content pets, and the Cats and Dogs veterinarian practice. The goal is to get the owners to think, "If my animal could talk, this is where they'd tell me to take them."


Four images of cats and four images of dogs for a completed series of advertising images.
These images will focus on the physical attributes of cats and dogs as positive and happy symbols of their species.

Illustration Idea/Concept/Thematic Statement:

Happy, content (possibly playful) cats and dogs interacting in positive ways with veterinarian equipment.
The focus will be on common/most popular breeds of cats and dogs; the most common breeds will act as a generalization/symbol for that specific animal.
The animals will also probably be smaller breeds (specifically the dogs) since it is a city vet. However, popularity of the breed will hold precedence.

Word Play/Mind Diagram:

Image Board(s):

Concept Sketches and Illustration Roughs