Reading 2: The Mechanics of Communication

"Communication is the very glue that binds human societies together."

Communication: the creation and exchange of meaning as a social activity. There are many different forms, both verbal and nonverbal. Good, successful communication is the goal of illustration.


Process School: the use of separate individual and related elements that are used and identified in communicating something through an image. This also focuses on how a message is put forth so it can be understood.

Semiotic School: this one is text based and the social context that the audience and the message is based in. It utilizes a knowledge of signs and symbols to decode the message.

The Communication Process:

1) You: the creator of the message: the communicator.
     The 10 core things that makes up "you": age, personality, education, family group, dominant   
     culture, interest, social context, habitat, time and the place where you live.

2) Message: the "thought to be encoded by you and the code used to encapsulate that thought." 
     Signifier + Signified = Sign

3) Channel/Medium: the means and media (physical and otherwise) that your message/code is 
    carried/put out in.
     This requires and understanding of the needs of the medium you're using for a particular project. 
     This allows you to best utilize the medium and achieve the best results for your message.

4) Destination: the intended destination where the message/code is received and interpreted.
     Success at this point shows that you knew and understood your audience, resulting in successful 

Key Elements within Iconic Visual Systems:

  • Setting: the space inhabited by characters and location it takes place
  • Character: recognizable types of people
  • Composition: formal arrangement of key characters
  • Color: semiotic value
  • Properties: object belonging characters
  • Body Language: facial expressions and physical gestures
  • Drama: actions that take place or situations that people find themselves in
  • Sequential Narrative: employs more than one image
  • Metaphor: many forms of communication to draw comparison between different images
  • Allegory: makes the message more palatable and accessible to audience
  • Humor: physical mishap, comedy or wit